Bayarea Chess Stream

2021 US Amateur Championship (online/lichess)

U2200, U1800, U1400, Scholastic U2200, Scholastic U1000, Scholastic U600, Unrated, Blitz

This is the official National Event authorized by US Chess Federation for players rated under 2200 (& unrated players)

August 28 (North) | September 11 (West) | September 25 (South)

Official US Chess Championship

Joining Zoom with camera is required for this tournament
Zoom link will be here during the tournament:

How to play against your opponent

Here the pairing will look like in this website:


Bd White Lichess Name Black Lichess Name Lichess Board
1. Jake Baugh (1229) JBaughChess RJ Raynoe (1440) ChessStream1 Click Here To Start
2. Craig Jones (2215) DAChess Chacha Nugroho (1758) ChessStream3 Click Here To Start
3. Jon Doe (1820) ChessStream2 Jane Doe (1758) ChessStream4 (start manual) *
  Sanya Raynoe (750) BYE. Please wait.


-Click Here To Start to start your game. The board is ready and only players in the pairing can play the board.


-If your board marked as (start manual) *, White needs to create a challenge, and challenging Black to play. See old/manual way at the bottom of this page.


-If you receive a BYE, please watch the games and ready for next round.



Question and Answer:



1. Do you need to report the result of game? NO! We will collect your the result by watching all the games automatically. You should only play 1 game with your opponent! and that is what we count. Make sure that the result is correct in the standing. We will collect result as soon as your game finished. 


2. I was winning, but then my internet went bad and my opponent claimed a win? What should I do? I am sorry that your internet was down. It can happen to anyone. If that happen, we only use the result from the game, so you lost the game. If your opponent is nice (hope your opponent does not claim a win on disconnected player), then he/she may just wait until you flagged. If your opponent is disconnected, please wait, but do not add minutes on your opponent because that will delay next round.


3. What to do for next round? Same thing. You wait until pairing is up and start game with your opponent in the pairing.


4. Any breaks between? We will have small break like 2-3 minutes each round to let tournament directors review the games and do the pairing.


5. How to withdraw? Please tell tournament director that you withdraw before next pairing is up. We have chat for everyone, or you can directly message the TD.


6. Is it USCF Rated Games? YES. Online rating only. USCF has different rating system. We will submit your games by the end of tournament to USCF and they will adjust your online raiting. Online rating only.


7. How to make sure my opponent is not cheating? Honest! Every players need to be honest and not cheating. Cheating can be playing using engine, playing by someone else, or someone helping. The purpose of this tournament is to get better at chess and logical thinking in general. There is no money price, and it is not worth to cheat in chess.


9. Any cheating punishments? Yes. Lichess has detection if someone cheating. If Lichess reports that someone is cheating, your games will be canceled and you may not be able to join our tournament anymore.




(Old/Manual Way)

We may still use old way in a case lichess having a problem in thier API, or we need to create game/match in manual way.


1. In the pairing you will see who your opponent is. Every player has Lichess name, the lichess name will be included in the pairing. 


Bd   Start   White   Lichess Name   Black   Lichess Name
1.   White Click Here   Jake Baugh (1229)   JBaughChess   RJ Raynoe (1440)   ChessStream1
2.   White Click Here   Craig Jones (2215)   DAChess   Chacha Nugroho (1758)   ChessStream3
        Sanya Raynoe (750)   BYE



2. If you are playing WHITE, you have to start the game! Starting the game by challenging your opponent. How? In the pairing, there are links. You can click link "White Click Here", or your opponent's Lichess name. It will bring you to your opponent profile.


Here your opponent profile looks like:


Click the challenge button, not "challenge icon above". You will get this screen:



Make sure all settings are correct! Once you do for first round (first time), the next round should be already have same settings. Make sure it is CASUAL (not rated). We will rate in USCF online rating, but game in lichess is not rated, so if TD needs to stop/abandon your game you can just click resign/draw and won't affect anything. Click "White King" to start the game and you will play White.


3. If you are playing BLACK, you have to wait until a challenge coming from your opponent! The challenge will come as popup, but sometimes you will need to check in the icon.

A. Make sure that the opponent requesting a game is the opponent in the pairing.

B. Make sure it is STANDARD.

C. Make sure it is Casual (not lichess rated)

D. Make sure time control is correct. For this tournament time control is G5 + 2.

Then accept the challenge. If it is not correct, you can accept the challenge, but then send message/chat to your opponent to cancel the game first and re-do the challenge. Do not forget saying Good Luck to start your game!